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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about our services. If you don't see the specific question you have, please contact us and we will give you an answer!

What is the enrollment process?

Our enrollment process consists of completing an enrollment application, a negative Mantoux test to rule out the presence of Tuberculosis, and an admission assessment.

How do I pay for the program and services?

Currently we are accepting private pay and long-term care insurance. We can ease the process of arranging our members' ability to pay for our services by managing their paperwork and coordinating with their payors to determine their levels of coverage. We will also bill the appropriate plan directly and can access reimbursement from long-term care insurance providers.

  • Private Pay

  • Long-term Care Insurance

What are the benefits of participating in Caring Hands Adult Day Services?

Here are just some of the benefits of participating in Caring Hands Adult Day Services:

  • Our services are safe, affordable, and dependable while offering a person-centered culture which demonstrates our dedication to the population we serve.

  • Our members find that our programs, medical monitoring, socialization and experiences enhance purpose and life to them, with dignity.

  • Our members benefit by being supported and encouraged to interact with others, to promote their social skills, maintain their cognitive abilities and language skills. Along with this benefit our members experience a sense of belonging and feelings of accomplishment in a safe, reassuring environment.

  • We strive to provide our members with a full day of active participation leading to a decrease in their stress and agitation levels which encourages better night-time sleeping.

  • While our services are being rendered to our members, their caregivers can continue to remain in the workforce or take care of other responsibilities. Not only that, but the caregivers are also able to experience a short-term respite period where they are able to have a peace of mind at an affordable price.

Who will meet my healthcare needs?

Caring Hands Adult Day Services is constructed of a comprehensive, licensed and professional staff to provide healthcare as directed by a member’s physician. Our team consists of registered nurses, counselors, social workers, and therapists who provide supportive counseling and referrals for members and their caregivers.

How often does my family member have to participate?

We suggest that members who want to fully benefit from our services participate at least two to three days a week. Members have an easier transition and become more comfortable and engaged with having a familiar routine. It is ultimately up to the member and their family.

Is a caregiver’s presence required for assistance with your virtual programs?

The presence of a caregiver is determined according to the members level of care and capability of functioning independently. However, if the client requires more assistance our In-Home or Adult Day Services are readily available.

What are your service areas?

We currently service both Tarrant and Denton counties.

Flexible and Affordable Home Health Care

We have many options to provide our services for added flexibility at a great price to make choosing Caring Hands Adult Day Services a no brainer.

Wellness Program

We can build a customized wellness program that is specialized to your needs for your absolute best, overall health.

Quality Assurance

A Registered Nurse is assigned to each case to manage you or your loved one's care. Quality is better than quantity when it comes to people's well being.

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Let us help your loved ones with our 20 plus years of experience.

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